A Star Spangled Trip
We traveled north of the Red River for the 4th of July holiday. Ricky wanted to spend some time with the family (aka
GOLF) so we took off Sunday for a week of fun in the big town of Stroud, America. We had a great time visiting with everyone. We spent the days shooting
fireworks and cooking out.
It had been SOOOO long since we had even seen fireworks(we never could seem to
locate the best spot for them here in FW and the traffic is horrendous!) much
less shoot them off. And shoot them off we did! Hayden and Skylor had so many
fireworks that it looked like a fireworks stand at Granny and PaPa's!
The first night Hannah wasn't even phased by them. The next night she ducked
like she was avoiding gunfire in a drive-by! She LOVED the sparklers that Aunt
Sarah helped her with. She would just shake, shake, shake! When she found an
unlit one, she started to shake it and then realized it wasn't doing much. Off
she went to find Uncle Josh (who was in charge of the lighting) so he could fix
her up.
Thanks to everyone for a fabulous 4th! See you next year!