Daddy was Duped & He Turned 30!
October will now be known as the month of birthdays. Mine is on October 7th, and Hannah's happens to fall on the 14th. Three mile stones will happen this month:
- I turn 30!
- Hannah will turn 1!
- I was duped!
The first and third have already happened, and the 2nd will this weekend. Since all the grandparents live in Oklahoma, we decided to have Hannah's First 1st Birthday last weekend. I happened to come across some information that a little party for me would be after Hannah's party. It did and my mom made some yummy cheesecake. Now fast-forward to this weekend. The Girls are coming over to scrapbook, Josh calls me up and wants to go to Best Buy or Fry's, OF COURSE I'LL LEAVE THE HOUSE AND GO! How predictable am I! We go to Best Buy where I pick up an IPOD NANO! (I'll have to talk about that in another post!) But Josh conveniently can't find what he's looking for so off to Fry's we go. On the way home, his wife calls and says she is over at my house scrap booking, so just bring Josh over there. I walk in and SURPRISE! I was totally duped
I want to thank everyone that came over and helped me celebrate my 30th birthday! I'm glad you came and I had a blast.

Comments for post
angie kennedypearlsmommy [at] yahoo [dot] com
2005/10/11 02:16
Looks like fun. I\'m glad Anna was able to pull off the surprise. Happy birthday!
Anna annagode [at] charter [dot] net
2005/10/11 02:21
Finally! After weeks of planning Hannah and I pulled it off!!! Thanks to everyone who helped with it all. Ricky so thought we were scrapbooking! Happy Birthday!!!<br />
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Now we can say that you are an older man with a 20-something wife! At least we can until March!