[Video!]Received 04/09/2006 03:10

Saginaw Easter Egg Hunt

All our training has come down to this, Hannah's first Easter egg hunt in Saginaw. I don't quite think she was ready for all the kids. It was also a bit cold and very windy this morning. We began by being lined up in a big circle with all the eggs in the middle. When we started Hannah just stood there for a couple minutes and sized up her opponents watched the children go by. After she figured out what was going on she took on a boy twice her size borrowed eggs from someone else's basket. Because people kept their distance out of fear it took her so long to get started most of the eggs were gone by the time Hannah got to them. She didn't seem to mind though and went about her business.
Link: http://rgode.homeftp.net/videos/easter1.wmv

Comments for post

Aunt Lizzy & Uncle Hank elizabethlau77 [at] yahoo [dot] com
2006/4/9 04:20

Awww.. Little Hannah, she'll get the hang of it soon! This was just the practice hunt- there are more to come!