My Very 1st Mommy's Day!
I guess it truly wasn't my very 1st day, but last year Hannah was still in utero. So this was my first "official" day. It was kind of a Mother's Day weekend of sorts.
Friday morning I awoke to a beautiful lily plant that Hannah had "picked out" the night before with Daddy. He said that he walked her down the aisle and whatever she touched first was the one she wanted Mommy to have! I must say she did a wonderful job! They have opened up so pretty and full.
We spent all day Saturday out and about. Ricky had a picnic with the teachers from his school. And I won 2 free movie passes!!! Which goes great with Myra and Noah gave me: a few night of babysitting courtsey of Auntie Chris. Now Ricky has NO excuse for us not to go out.
Afterwards we went to Arlington to Edwin Watts Golf to get Ricky fitted for clubs (which is another post altogether!) Then off to Costco for shopping, followed by a yummy cookout at Josh's house.
Sunday Ricky graced Hannah's and I presence at church. Getting Ricky up for 9 o'clock mass is a feat all itself! When we got home Hannah presented me a lovely photo card that her and daddy worked hard on. That evening we ate at Chili's and on the way stopped by Mommy's new school. It is just about ready for the upcoming school year.
We ended the day with a Mommy and Me photo shoot. Although I must admit, Hannah was definitely the top model. I can't blame Daddy though. Doesn't she look precious???
Happy Mother's Day to all of you!!!

Comments for post
Auntie Chris cnd201 [at] sbclobal [dot] net
2005/5/10 12:39
Hannah does look great on the white backdrop! (Well, she looks great anyway you look ar her.) Yes, we will definately have to use the white for Noah\'s one year photos and a group shot.
Aunt Lizzy elizabethlau77 [at] yahoo [dot] com
2005/5/10 14:24
Those are wonderful pictures! Hannah is looks so sweet in her pink outfit! Happy Mother\'s Day!<br />