Tumbling Tots: Boswell Style
For the past four Tuesdays we have been taking Hannah to a Mommy and Tots Gymnastics class at the local high school. Last night was the last night for this "semester". Tot semesters run a little shorter than high school and now I know why!
Hannah has a hard time "focusing". Hmmm.... I wonder where she gets that! Anyway, since all of the kids were under 24 months it, it was next to impossible to have a "structured" lesson. Hannah spent a lot of time playing "away" from the rest of the class. She definitely seems to march to her own drum.
Every night when we would come in the coach would have something set up for the tots to do such as a cone course or a hoola hoop course. And every night Hannah would "rearrange" the course for her. Needless to say once Hannah started the others followed and the course was shall we say "history"!
One of her favorite things to do was play in the "pit". The pit is this huge pile of foam cubes with a tramp underneath it. The gymnasts use it to practice their flips into, I think. (Is that right Flip Flop Coach Briley?) They put a mat up like a slide for the tots to slide into. Hannah loved it!
Another thing she liked was running up and down the inclined mats that looked like ramps. Sometimes she would even slide down on her bottom with the right coaxing.
Last night she finally decided to give the balance beam a try. I would have pics, but Daddy was out golfing. (Note: See 2 posts before.) They bounced balloons around and shook the hoola hoops.
Cameron seemed to be a little more advanced, but who can blame her? She is the daughter of 2 "famous" flip floppers~ Maybe she can teach Hannah a thing or two! Here the girls are after a hard days work. I can't believe how much they have grown over the past year.
She seemed to have a great time. Who knows? Maybe next time she will actually listen to the teacher~ Until then we will be practicing our balance beam routine on the retaining wall out back.

Comments for post
2006/6/9 18:06
Do the gymnastics seem to make her thighs chunky? I always had that problem in high school.<br />
Kimmy kimsoko [at] hotmail [dot] com
2006/6/9 22:55
I love the tiny Eskimo Joe's t-shirt! Going there with you and "Brother Josh" is still one of my favorite Okie memories!