Photo Gallery
A Random Pic from the Archives
Prestwick Portraits
Blog Links
The Davis Blog
The Cox Family Weblog
The Kao's Family Blog
The Becks Blog
Granny's Blog
The Gonzalez's Blog
Joe, Kim, & Jack's Blog
Art by Aunt Gerry Beth
Oscar's Photos
Hank & Elizabeth's Blog
The Briley's Blog
The Jones Family Blog
Dell Ubuntu Webserver
Posts By Title
I Lost My First Tooth!
Happy Halloween
Happy 5th Birthday Hannah!
Turn Around Don't Drown!
The Great Wolf Lodge
Going out with a BANG!
Mmmmm... Cheese Frys...
You Gotta Be Kidding Me!
Big School: Here We Come...Ready or Not!
One WILD Day!
Fun at the beach 2009
Family Reunion 2009
Summer Camp 2009
Swimming Lessons
I can't even think of a title for this.
My budding little "Artist"
Let's Go Feed The Ducks
Andrew's First Stitches (But 2nd time to the ER)
Happy 2nd Birthday Andrew!
Easter 2009 at Stroud
The Dinosaurs of Glen Rose
Newton, Look Out!
Santa BABY?
Christmas at the Great Wolf Lodge, HOWL!
My "Twelve" Days of Christmas
Our First Christmas Tree
Music to My Ears!
The Bug is Back
Goin' Green Once Again...
Happy Halloween!
Happy 4th Birthday, Hannah Grace!
Boo Boo Alert
Pumpkin Patch 2008
One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians...
Reason #2,349 as to Why I Can't Keep the House Clean...
Big Shoes to Fill
Curtain Call
Reason #2,348 as to Why I Can't Keep the House Clean...
One Wick-tastic Weekend...
Give My Regards to Broadway!
WTH???? Update
My, Where Does the Time Go?
First Day of "Big School" is FINALLY here!!!
It all started...
Will Rogers Summer Camp 2008
Hannah's First Dentist Visit.
I'm a Happy Boy! Happy Boy!
Andrew's 1st Year Video
Andrew's Adventure at Cooks
Hannah Said It...
Happy 1st Birthday Andrew!
Hannah's First Fish
Andrew’s First Haircut
Blue Bonnets 2008
What a STORM
All Hail Pinkie Pie...
Fun At The Butterfly Garden
Happy Birthday to Mommy!
Third Time IS a Charm
Choo! Choo! All Aboard the Potty Train!
A Visit with Grandpa
Spoke to Soon...
All Clear...(for now anyway)
9 Month Check Up
Nine Months in the Making
Round #.... Oh, I Give UP!
Christmas 2007 with Granny & PaPa
Making Christmas Cookies with Granny & Pa Pa
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
Christmas 2007 with the Gode's
Christmas in Fort Worth
Santa Photos
Round 3 for the Little Man
Uh, Mommy... I need a Napkin...
You can't beat 'em, You might as well join 'em!
Just Another Manic Monday
Round 2 for the Little Man
One SUPER Halloween
Trunk or Treating with the Rough Riders
A DORA-tastic Party
Happy 3rd Birthday, Hannah Grace!
Post op
How do you spell relief?
A Meat and Potatoes Kind of Guy
Harry Potter for Halloween
Hooray!!! My Free Ipod Touch!!!!
Everybody Lubs Presents to Daddy!
How to escape the Man Eating Couch
Mrs. Potato Princess Pumpkin Head
Our Home Theater PC
Hannah's Television Debut
Anna's Television Debut
Congratulations Tiger
The Long and the Short of It...
The Sticker Fairy...
An Answer for Now...
God Bless Andrew Dawson
3 Months Old
Bicycle! Bicycle! I want to ride my bicycle!
It's the little things...
Websites & Pictures & Linux Oh My!
He's Wearing Mommy!
July Doings
He's Hiding?
Finally Got It!
An All Around Average Guy
Visiting Friends and Family
Revisiting Summer Camp
I Leave For 2 Minutes...
A Slight Smile
"Baby Andrew needs tallypasser, HURRY!"
Prestwick Pools
Yet, another reason I love the Wii!!!
How the hair gets tangled in the first place
Bruhaw Hair Gone...
So much for exercise!
The PeePee Dance
Big Boy Bath
Funny Hair
2 Week Check
Labor and Delivery through the eyes of me.
Mommy's Little Gloworm
Davis Daycare visits Andrew
Welcome to the world Andrew Dawson Gode!
Week 36 Visit
Practice Run...
Week 35 Visit
Photos of a Pregnant Lady
One "Egg" Citing Weekend
Week 34 Visit
Another Successful Surprise = A WILD Time Had by All
Week 30 Visit
Pregnancy Through the Eyes of a 3rd Grader
Video of Hannah's Sleepover with Cameron
Week 28 Visit
Here's to 60 Sensational Years!
Our Little Girlie Girl
Week 22 Visit
Guess Who's a Big Girl?
Our 'No Way', aDORAble Merry Christmas is Over...Ah, man
We're expecting a???
Ah, the hustle and bustle of the season...
Week 15 Visit
Orlando Vacation Day 3: More Universal Studios
Orlando Vacation Day 2: Golf at Mystic Dunes
Orlando Vacation Day 1: Arabian Nights
Sunshine State ~ My Foot
Happy Halloween 2006!
11 Week Visit
Happy 2nd Birthday to Hannah
Happy Birthday to Me!
Birthday Dinner at Babes Chicken.
Family Update Twins!?!?
Here We "Grow" Again...
She Flies Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease...
New! Galleries Added to the Blog!
Video of Hannah saying "Lola" and blowing kisses taken by Aunt Lizzy
Put your toe on your nose...and keep it there all day!
The Cost of Training a Pilot.
Jumpin at the pool.
Happy Belated Blog Post Birthday Sarah
Take me out to the ball game...
Muchas Gracias!
Splashin' Around
I Feel Pretty, Oh, So Pretty...
Do You Know the Way to San...
A Real Live Nephew of my Uncle Sam
Earning her Keep
A Star Spangled Trip
Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Josh Peters
Happy 4th of July!
Shore is FUN!
Corpus or Bust
Donut Anyone?
Who's Your Daddy?
Prestwick Portraits Latest Visitors
Happy 30th Brandi!
Tumbling Tots: Boswell Style
School's OUT for the Summer!
Champion on the EMSISD Tour!
I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!
I want to be JUST like Mommy!
Mommy's Day Off~ Sort of...
Hannah and Mason Sittin' in a Tree: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Welcome to the World, Madison Kate!
I Finally got a Corsair Flying
Easter Egg Hunt at the Davis House
Trip to the Tulsa Zoo!
Thanks for the memories . . .
Easter Pics
Saginaw Easter Egg Hunt
The End is Near~ I think!
Hannah's Dr Visit
Spring Training
Carseat Frustrations!
Daddy Daycare Times Two!
Sick No More!
A Visit with Grandpa in the Hospital
Mommy turned 30!
Great Uncle Lloyd turns 100!
William Keith Visits Prestwick Portraits
Hannah's Hat
Hair Raising Bath Time
My New Glider
Hannah's New Friend
Embedded Video Test
Santa Sighting!!!
Pal'in around with Powell and Cam!
Hannah's First Word!!!! Other than "DaDa"
Prep Work
Welcome to the World William Keith!
15 Month Check-Up: To Flip or Not To Flip?
Christmas Videos
An Unexpected "Date"
Christmas 2005 at the Davis's
Christmas 2005 at the Gode's
Santa Visits Prestwick Portraits!
What Daddy Got For Christmas!
HO HO HO Merry Christmas, Early!
Fun Day in Dallas
My Ipod Nano with VIDEO!!!
Thanksgiving at the Gode's
Thanksgiving at the Davis's
Uncle Hank and Aunt Lizzy come for a visit.
Aero Ace
Turkey Trot: Texas Style!
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
Trick or Treat
1st year video
Happy Halloween
I'm Comfortable!
Hannah's Second 1st Birthday Party!
Mason's Visit to Prestwick Portraits
Pre-Birthday Party Punkin Photo Shoot
Hannah is Officially 1 Year Old!
Lake Worth's Homecoming!
Daddy Takes Third at Golf Tournament!
Off to the Saginaw Pumpkin Patch
Daddy was Duped & He Turned 30!
Hannah's First, 1st Birthday Party
Pushing Right Along!
Attitude? What Attitude?
Looks Who is 11 Months Old!
Welcome to the World, Kadence Michelle!!!
I Eat Ice Cream!
RC Videos!
Cameron's Visit to Prestwick Portraits
My National TV Debut
Hannah's New Camcorder!
The Care Bear Countdown has Begun!!!
I'm a 10 Handicapper! Edit: 9.5 Handicapper!!!
Welcome to the World Ryan Beck
I Helping!
Its hard to share...
Back to the Grind!
Hannah in Hiding!
Burger's Lake Videos
Off to the Swimmin' Hole!
3 Little Visitors: Day 2
3 Little Visitors Show off at the Pool
3 Little Visitors: Day 1
Introducing Ladder Golf!
A Visit with Friends
A Visit with Family: The Gode Side
A Visit with Family: The Davis Side
A New Record at the
Underwater Fun!
Zeke's Baptism
Hannah's 9 Month Check-Up
Everyone, Meet Pearson Stowe!
Look who can crawl
Happy 4th of July
Happy 1st Birthday Noah!
No Day at the Beach!
Our North Carolina Adventure
Happy 4th Anniversary
Visit to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens
Smores Please!
Cousin Kennedy Visits
Towel Pics
Johnny Jump-up
Hannah's New Swing!
Nap Time with Daddy
Bath Time Fun
Hannah's New Friend
Hannah's Haulin' Now!!!
Big Girl Swimming
Happy 3rd Birthday Kennedy
A Visit with Granny and PaPa
Asleep at the flight controls!
Shop till you drop....and then shop some more!!!
Summer Time! Summer Time! Sum, Sum, Summer Time!!!
Powell's visit to Prestwick Portraits
DJ, Shawna, & Ryan Finally Visit!
Welcome Abby!
A Trip To Burger's Lake
Look Who's 7 Months Old!
Case Closed!
Golf Swing
Zoo Day Pics
Daddy Daycare Today
I Shot an 80!
Sleepy Girl
My Very 1st Mommy's Day!
For She's a Jolly Good Fellow!
Remembering 'Big Granny'
Just Chilin' With a Full Belly
Behold! The Epcot Ball!
Please Be Seated!!!
Together Again!
A Visit with Friends
Going... Going... GONE!
6 Months Old & Already a Winner!
Hannah & the Butterfly
Isn't Technology Wonderful!
Yummy Toes!
Ready, Aim, BITE!
Blast from the Past
Texas Blue Bonnets
Spring Time at Davis Day Care
Mmmmmmm Cereal...
My Little Rascal
My Sleepy Song
Bath Time Fun
Cereal is Good, but High-Chair is Better
2005 Fort Worth Air Show
Boy Scouts of America
Hannah's Back!
My Girls
Family Portrait
Look what I can do!
New Topic: Blast From The Past
My Tired Little Girl
Easter Dinner
Happy Easter!
Love Bug
Gode & Davis Clan Cookout
Trading Spaces Day 2
Rolling Over Video!
She's on a Roll...
Trading Spaces Day 1
Look Who's 5 Months Old
Did Somebody Say Cereal?
Hudson's Visit to Prestwick Portraits
Welcome Baby Zeke!
Prestwick Portraits
Happy 29th Birthday!
Davis DayCare Ventures Outside
Told You I'd Take More
More Pics from Davis Daycare!
A New Car!
Tummy Time
Uncle Dan Comes for a Visit
My T-I-R-E-D Girl
Welcome to the World Hudson Brian!!!
A Girls Afternoon
Hannah's Baptism Video
New Topic: Videos!
Baby Zeke's Shower
Big Screen Adventure
Fourth Month Check-Up
Look Who's 4 Months Old
Big Lotto Winner
Hold Time
Hannah's Baptism
Visit at Uncle Hank & Aunt Lizzy's House
Visit to Lola's
The new Microwave
All About Daddy!
Photo Mosaic
Gode Daycare?
Look what I found...
Home Photography Studio
First Davis DayCare Outing
Davis Daycare Camping Trip (under the table)
Giggling Girl
Princess Hannah
Mommy's Day Off
Look who's 3 Months Old
That Just Aint Right!
Swingin Good Time!
5 Brothers
Sleeping Beauty
Sleep Deprived No More!
A Post About Hannah on the Davis Blog?!!!?!?!
Microwave Problems
My last minutes of maternity leave are ticking by...
DJ & Shawna's news
Merry Christmas to me!
Christmas at the Davis's, Big Granny, PaPa, and Granny
Christmas at the Gode's, Lola, Grandpa, Aunt Lizzy, Uncle Hank, and Chili
2 Month Check-Up
Uncle Kiko comes for a visit
Thunderbird Christmas Party Daddy wins BIG!
Daddy's little girl
Bath Time!
Smile for the Camera!
The First of Many
Two Good Nights of Sleep!
Photo Time
My Junky Old Baby
Happy Turkey Day!
Is She Brown, Anna?
Today was a hard day.
A couple of Firsts
Busy Day!
An unexpected visit to the Dr.
All Bottles Are Not Alike
post number two
This thing is ready for business!
Received 12/29/2005 04:49
Christmas 2005 at the Davis's
Anna will type more in here later.