[Mommy's Thoughts]Received 10/29/2006 04:25

11 Week Visit

Wednesday was the 11th week mark for me. I celebrated it with a doctor's visit on Thursday. Everything checked out fine with my bloodwork from the last visit. I still can't get a flu shot (next visit) and Hannah is on a 200 person wait list at her doctor so for now we are just keeping our fingers crossed and using lots of disinfecting wipes at school!

I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat on my belly with just a regular old Doppler which was a good sign. The nurse said that this is usually the earliest it can be heard without an US Doppler.

It was beating away at over 160 beats per minute. If you believe the old wives tale of heartbeats over 150, then it looks like we are having a girl. Only time will tell though. We should be able to find out in 8 weeks or so depending on when my appointment falls.

The doctor said that she would probably test my sugars a little earlier this go around (20 weeks instead of 28) since I had high sugars with Hannah. That would put me testing right at the peak of holiday feasting! Ugh! She said that every pregnancy is different and it just depends on the placenta. Hopefully all will be great b.c going on a sugar free diet for 4 months would be a real drag especially since it only ended up being about 6 weeks for me last time. Ah, the things we do for our kids!

As far as premature labor she said as long as I make it to the 35th week, she wouldn't try to stop it. I guess that means we will be sticking close to home after week 32 or so just in case. This time I will probably go 42 weeks and be extra miserable to make up for the last one...

As the 12th week mark is approaching I am not feeling as nausea as I had been feeling and not as tired although it doesn't take me long to fall asleep. I gained 4 pounds this month, but I can still fit my regular pants as long as they are unbuttoned. I have given up on trying to stay on top of things both at home and school. It just wasn't happening! So I do what I can and move on...

No more real news to tell now. We haven't really talked names yet although I have my favorites. We are just waiting to find out what we are having so we can decided which room Hannah's big girl bed needs to go in. If its a boy she stays and a girl she moves. Less painting that way! Hey, it's all about making things simple!

I am off to enjoy something sweet. I just have this feeling that my last four months will be sugar free. Call it a hunch...