My last minutes of maternity leave are ticking by...
I can't believe that 12 weeks could fly by in the blink of an eye! I have to go back to school tomorrow. It has been so nice staying home with Miss Hannah. Now that she is sleeping a lot more at night we have been enjoying our time during the afternoons together. I have been very sad for the past few days. Tears just come and go. I never thought that I would be so sad about leaving her. I am very thankful that I was blessed enought to spend 12 weeks with her. Some mommies only get 6 weeks off with their precious little ones.
I have been trying to think of all the different ways that could allow me to stay and I think I have it figured out: Either Ricky needs to win the lotto or we need to move and sell our house. The house market is not exactly booming right now so I am hoping for the lotto!
I guess if I can't stay with Hannah then the next best thing is letting Christina watch her. As long as Christina promises to take very, very good care of my little angel!
Mommy gets off Martin Luther King Day and she can't wait!
Comments for post
2005/1/7 04:03
Aunt Chris and Cousins Myra and Noah cnd201 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
2005/1/7 03:06
We promise to take very, very good care of Little Miss Hannah. She\'ll receive more love here than any day care could ever offer. (Now you \"have it in writing\".)
2005/1/7 15:37
Don\'t worry. Hannah will be in great hands. I know it was real hard for Chris to go back to work after Myra was born. You\'ll get used to it and it will be good for Hannah, too. She\'ll get to hang out with other \"Little Boogers\" her size.