Happy 3rd Birthday, Hannah Grace!
Hannah's big day was over a month ago, but things around the Gode home are a little hectic these days. I finally have some time off from work, both kids are napping, and the daddy is feeling pretty good for the most part so here it goes...
Hannah's actually birthday was on October 14th. Ricky had a wedding to shoot on the Saturday before so we opted to have the party the weekend of Ricky's birthday. Then Ricky ruptures his disc and things get a little topsy-turvy for a few weeks and the invites don't go out. So we changed it to the weekend after her birthday.
All fine and dandy, we will have the party at 11 and the daddy can still make his shoot that afternoon. Well, the only problem was that the bride wanted him there at 7:00 in the morning!
So we decide to head to Dallas on Hannah's actual birthday for some family time since the daddy couldn't make the DORA party. We went to Knox Street and played at the Apple Store, stopped off for fun at Froggy's 5 and 10, and then off to our favorite frozen custard place, Wild About Harry's! Hannah had her fav: vanilla custard with sprinkles. Everything tastes better with SPRINKLES!
Traveling with 2 was a little interesting. Drew and Hannah were both exhausted after a few hours, but we had a great time. Later that night we let her open her present from Mommy and Daddy. It is what she has been asking for WEEKS: Dora's Mastical Castle (AKA Dora's Magical Castle). She LOVED it!
Happy Birthday Pumpkin Pie!