Received 06/05/2006 04:10
Happy 30th Brandi!
Last night I went out
on the town to help Brandi celebrate the big 3-0! Hannah was invited to have a
sleep over at Myra's house. Her first night away from home. Almost 20 months
old and STILL hasn't stayed away from Mommy! Ricky was shooting a wedding in Denton. So it was a girls' night out!!!
Brandi's big day is actually on the 8th, but Richard wanted to surprise her
with a shindig so he threw a fab party the weekend before. It had an Oscar
theme of sorts with big names guests such as Paris and Christina. Of course,
the Scrappin' Girls were all there (except Michelle) so we enjoyed planning our
summer of scrap which starts on Tuesday!
Brandi was super surprised and even shed a little tear at the sight of it all!
Welcome to the 30 Club, Brandi! I am glad you are an official member! I was
getting a little lonely!
Side note: You would think with no baby in the house I could sleep in. Wrong!
At 6:00am my eyes opened! That's ok though. Ricky and I went out for breakfast
at IHOP. It was kind of nice not to have to try to contain a small child to a
booth the whole time. We actually got to read the entire newspaper!
When we picked up Hannah, Ricky walked in and she just looked at him and walked
off. When I came in she came racing up to my arms. Mamama! The whole day she
wanted nothing to do with her dad. She just wanted Mommy! How exhausting! Oh
well, she won't be little forever and soon enough she won't want a thing to do
with her "embarrassing mother"!
Thanks to the Davis Clan for taking such good care of the little Missy!