always great to pull off the ultimate surprise. The kind where the "guest
of honor" doesn't have a clue. The kind where all of the planning is kept
under wraps until the very end. Which is exactly what we did this weekend to
one unsuspecting PaPa!
Dad's birthday isn't until Tuesday, the 17th, but of course the weekend is when
all of us transplanted Okies could make the par-tee. Which makes it even better
for the surprise b/c it was early!
Mom started the planning weeks ago. It is VERY hard to plan the whole thing
with Dad sitting in the next room so our conversations always started with
"Are you alone?" With the planning complete, the surprise could
On Friday we drove north to stay over night at the Cox Inn. Kennedy was VERY
excited that Hannah was coming to stay. Unfortunately, we arrived late Friday
evening after K had already gone to bed. Hannah decided to stay up until about
10:30 hanging out in K's recliner which she LOVED!
Angie, K, and I made the last minute pick-ups on Saturday morning. Kennedy was
very patient as we made stop after stop picking up all of the goodies. At least
as patient as a 3 year old could be!
The plan was for Dad and Mom to come up around 1:30pm so Dad could help put in
a new sink for Angie's bathroom. We all gathered at Coach's in Bricktown to await the
arrival of the birthday boy. We were all dressed in our Bill's shirts. Kennedy
couldn't wait to put the thing on! I am almost positive that she is wearing it
as I type this!
Around 2 Angie arrives with Dad. He walks in and is glancing out over the
ballpark. Finally, he looks up and realizes who is sitting in front of him.
Needless to say... SURPRISE it was!
We enjoyed a nice lunch and then headed out to the Canal in Bricktown to ride
the Water Taxi. Our
tour guide, Andy, had the taxi sing Happy Birthday to Dad. He was so embarrassed!
The breeze was a little chilly on the water. The Canal is like a mini San Antonio Riverwalk. Several
shops, bars, and restaurants line the walk. More are planned in the next few
years. It is actually a nice little place to visit. Maybe Ricky and I will have
to go back without the little Missy.
After the Canal we headed to PaPa's Par-tee Palace AKA The Best Western to swim. Lucky for us we
were the only ones wanting to swim since we seemed to take up the whole pool.
Hannah had a good time swimming in both the pool AND the hot tub! Daddy's
finger is still not quite healed so he had to settle for just being our photog!
We enjoyed a dinner of sandwiches and the fixings along with a yummy cake that
had PaPa's baby picture on it. Since OK is still in a burn ban we settled for 2
candles instead of the 60 we needed! Hey, with Fireman Mike there we could
NEVER violate that burn ban!!! Sky even brought a cake for his birthday which
was on the 11th. One more trip to the pool and the babies were tired so up we
went to watch TV and play cards.
Myra and K were up early and ready to swim so after breakfast off to the pool
we went. After another bite of cake along with party hats, we ended PaPa's
Par-tee with a trip to everyone's favorite: The Golden Corral! Hannah ate and
ate, and ate and ate.... She was SO sleepy! I think she kept eating so she
wouldn't fall asleep. Ten minutes in the car and she drifted off to sleep with
a smile on her face. I kid you not. I looked over at her and she had the
sweetest smile on her face. I think she was thinking about all of the fun she
had playing with everyone.
Well, another great get together with the Davis Family. I think Dad is already
starting to plot his revenge on Mom. You see... She turns 60 NEXT YEAR. Look
out, Granny!
Happy 60th Birthday, Dad! So glad we could help you celebrate it!