Posts received : Wednesday, January 18

[Mommy's Thoughts]Received 01/18/2006 03:00

15 Month Check-Up: To Flip or Not To Flip?

Today Hannah and I made our usual trip to see Dr. Miller. They were actually running AHEAD of schedule so Daddy didn't make it for this one. We couldn't wait to see how big the Missy had gotten especially since ALL she did this weekend was EAT, EAT, and then EAT some more. We just knew that she would hit the 20 lb mark so that we could FINALLY turn her seat around.

Well, as you can see we are still REAR facing! If she is not 20 lbs by age 2, I am flipping her anyway! Everything checked out nicely. She was so curious with all of Dr. Miller's "toys". She had to inspect everything before she allowed her to touch her. The nice thing is that next time NO shots!

Here are the Missy's latest stats:

19 lbs on the dot
29 1/2" tall
head: 18 1/4

Our LITTLE Missy is once again living up to her name! I just KNOW we are going to hit that growth spurt soon. Right?!?!?!