Round 2 for the Little Man
Aw, the cold season. It has struck again. Drew went in for his last half of his flu shot on Tuesday. He had been a little congested and coughing a bit so I called to make sure he could still take it. "As long as he has no fever or wheezing, he can have it." Great off to the doctor we go...
I tell the nurse that he has been coughing for a couple of weeks or so. Which she then replied, "Um, we really should see him if he has been coughing for a week."
Ooopps! Poor 2nd child... Mommy didn't mean to neglect you!
Anyway, we decide to schedule an appointment with the doctor the next day just to be sure.
Turns out he has fluid on one ear and ANOTHER ear infection in the left ear. Poor baby! He just got over one two months ago. Back on antibiotics we go. He hadn't been eating a lot lately, but we had been to OK and back in the past week. Thought maybe he was just off schedule a bit!
That would explain the "not so fun" car ride we all had on the way back from OK Sunday. I was sooooo tempted to stop off at the WinStar and hide. We even stopped at the Flying J Truckstop for some Motrin...
Another side note since he seems to be suffering from SEVERE 2nd Child Syndrome on the blog: He is crawling so well now! All over the place. He pulls up and I am sure by next week he will figure out how to cruise!
He weighs 17 pounds 6 ounces and is loving his baby food. Still not sleeping through the night, but we have had a few good nights over the past week. Let's just say last night WASN'T one of those!
I will get the daddy to post pics soon. He is working on a slide show for a bride... Ah, I swear I am the best wedding widow ever...
granny bernadette2 [at] valornet [dot] com
2007/12/7 18:14
so sorry my sweetie is sick!