[Mommy's Thoughts]Received 05/31/2006 16:55

School's OUT for the Summer!

Yesterday I was our official last day to work. I spent the day making my room summer ready and Ricky spent the day at the golf course! Of course, it helps that he won some dinero! (See previous post)

Anyway, Hannah enjoyed her last day at Davis Daycare for the school year. She had a nice special surprise with Myra being home all day. They even got to go swimming in the am.

I am so glad that Hannah gets to stay home with Auntie Chris and Noah instead of a big daycare center. The only thing is that she now thinks she has TWO mommies! She loves spending time with her and I know she will be missing her in a few days or so.

Thanks Chris for taking such great care of our little "Thumper"! See you next year...