Christmas at the Great Wolf Lodge, HOWL!
This year we had an exciting Christmas adventure with the Davis side. Granny and Papa treated us all to a night at the Great Wolf Lodge here in Grapevine.
We spent the first afternoon taking in the water at the water park. My kids were satisfied to stay in the kiddie pool while the big kids ventured into the wave pool and the slides.
Andrew's favorite spot was the fountains coming up from the bottom of the pools. He wouldn't dare venture to the slides.
Hannah loved the little slides and the "jet skis" that had squirt guns on them. She spent hours "shooting" people with them. She didn't care for the huge tower that dumped buckets of water on people. She kept saying, "That is scary. I don't like that."
We had a relaxing dinner in the lodge along w/ a visit to see Santa, bedtime stories with Santa, and a trip to the arcade. Andrew LOVED all of the flashing lights from the games. He was running ALL over the place.
Later that night we opened presents and snacked on all kinds of yummies upstairs. Hannah got a cool pink laptop and Barbie (of course, it was a Diamond Castle one!) and Andrew got a a keyboard for babies and a Sock Monkey in the Box (sort of like a Jack in the Box, but it was a Sock Monkey). He would get soooo frustrated b/c he couldn't put the monkey back in by himself.
The boys got some remote control cars and Andrew loved chasing them up and down the hallway.
The next morning we had a breakfast buffet and then headed back to the water park for a bit more fun before we had to pack up. Hannah ventured over to the wave pool but didn't stay long. Andrew, who didn't sleep well the night before, ended up taking a nap on the mommy instead of playing. He MUST have been tired b/c he NEVER sleeps anywhere but his bed.
Thank you Granny and Papa for such a fun Christmas outing. It is always fun to guess where we are going each year. We are already trying to figure out the next spot!