[Daddy's Thoughts]Received 10/03/2005 02:41

Hannah's First, 1st Birthday Party

We celebrated one of Hannah's 1st birthdays this week with the Grandparents back in Stroud, Oklahoma! It was nice to get back to some cool weather, beats this 100 degree heat we get here in Texas! My sister Elizabeth, and her husband Hank were gracious enough to let us mess up celebrate at their house. Loads of people showed up. We had both sets of grandparents, countless cousins, and a new member to the world Ryan Beck.

Hannah was a bit dainty when it came to eating "her" cake, but after a little bit, she dove right in. In fact, Lola had to clean her off in the sink afterwards. She got a couple of noisy educational toys, a Nighttime Care Bear, and a HUGE PINK one, which is bigger than her! On the way home Myra, Kennedy, and Hannah rode together so well. It was the perfect car ride you see in those old TV shows, where every one was happy, and no one had to use the bathroom, and we only heard, are we there yet? once Thank you to everyone who celebrated Hannah's 1st Birthday with us!