Summer Time! Summer Time! Sum, Sum, Summer Time!!!
It's official! Summer is here. At least here in the Marine Creek estates. The pool is OPEN.
After searching many stores for a suit in the little Missy's size, we finally found Hannah this adorable two piece at the Gainsville outlet mall. Even though Daddy said, "NO!", Mommy just couldn't pass it up. He thought she needed a one piece. But as you can see Mommy won that round!
Here she is getting ready to go to the pool with Mommy. Daddy was out watching the Colonial so it was a girls' outing. We met the Davis bunch there and had a great time swimming. Lucky for us Daddy pulled in just as we were getting out of the car and got to see Hannah's first swimming adventure.
She enjoyed kicking her legs around and even left her hat and sunglasses on the whole time. She just watched everything AND everyone around her. She is so NOSY!!!
We will be spending at lot of time at the pool this summer. I wonder jut how dark my little Pacific Islander will turn?!?!?