Zoo Day Pics
Today Hannah is 7months old and to celebrate, we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. We took lots of pictures, but Hannah slept for most of it.

Today Hannah is 7months old and to celebrate, we went to the Fort Worth Zoo. We took lots of pictures, but Hannah slept for most of it.
I had the day off today, and Mommy didn’t. So it was up to me to put on my Daddy Daycare Hat and take care of “Little Missy” today. I had a BLAST! It was so fun we watched TV, I fed her cereal, we visited Mommy at her school. (Hannah took Dolly as her IBM Buddy) We went to the golf store (No I didn’t buy anything) Then we came home and played with her little gym. She took all her naps and didn’t fuss at all. She is the GREATEST BABY EVER!