Earning her Keep
Hannah was great help to Aunt Lizzy while
we were home. She loved helping her with her "cousin" Chili. She
couldn't get enough of him. She would take you by the hand and drag you back to
his room just to say HI to him. Note to Hank and Liz: If she starts asking for
a pet, you guys are in trouble!
Hannah even helped with the landscaping! She made sure that each plant had the
right amount of water...Until the sprayer came back and sprayed her in the
face! Then the helping was over!
Across the street from Aunt Lizzy's house is a regular little farm full of
horses and cows. Hannah wanted to run right into their pens. She started
saying, "Moo, moo." Another new word!!! Yea!!!
Who knows? May this city girl is really a country girl after all!
Wouldn't it be nice if she grew up and still wanted to be so
"helpful"? Uh... not holding my breath so I will enjoy it while I