Turkey Trot: Texas Style!
Yesterday Hannah and I headed over to Saginaw High for the 7th annual Turkey Trot. It is a one mile community fun run that is put on by the elementary PE teachers. Hannah & I (along with Carlynn & Cameron) decided to take it easy, although we did our fair share of trottin' and we weren't even the last ones!
Hannah and Cameron were content to enjoy the buffet of goodies that filled their stroller trays as we made our way around the course. They even shared with each other! After the run they gave out "door" prizes and ribbons to the winners. I spent the entire ceremony chasing after Hannah and scooping rocks out of her mouth.
After the Trot was over we headed over to a new bakery/deli called Sydney's on Blue Mound. It was delicious! What was even nicer was how kid friendly it was! It was like a coffee house/McDs atmosphere with a play zone in the back. The girls had a good time playing with all of the cars and blocks.
Looking forward to next year's trot. Maybe next time Daddy can join us!