Hannah's New Swing!
After building our pergola we finally got around to getting Hannah a swing for it. It kinda sits high off the ground, but I think Hannah likes her new swing.

After building our pergola we finally got around to getting Hannah a swing for it. It kinda sits high off the ground, but I think Hannah likes her new swing.
Daddy had an early tee time this morning, and while feeding Hannah this afternoon fell asleep. I don’t remember who fell asleep first, but we both woke up a couple hours later and her bottle was on the floor. Mommy snuck in and got this pic. I asked her later if she took pictures, because I was dreaming that people were taking pictures of me during my backswing and it was messing up my swing!
Hannah really likes the water and bath time. She’s becoming more active all the time splashing around and having fun playing with her toys while she is sitting up like a big girl. It always makes bath time fun!
Hannah has a new friend. Meet Cameron Briley. Cameron's mommy, Carlynn, will be working with me at Chisholm Ridge. They just moved here from Abilene. The neat thing is that the girls are only 3 days apart! Cameron is a little bigger than Hannah. But Hannah is actually taller than her! I think that is the first time we have been able to say that about our little "China doll".
On Friday we got together to talk a little school business. Daddy had to take Uncle Josh and his family to the airport so Hannah came along to keep Cameron company. It was so funny watching them "play" together. Cameron is a little more "aggressive" and thought she could see Hannah better if she sat on her. She did share her toys as well as her Ritz crackers though.
They seemed to enjoy each other's company for the most part until nap time came along. Cameron decided it was nap time and went to sleep. Hannah just kept being her nosy little self and "observed" everything. But 2 seconds after we got in the car, she was out like a light! Playdates are exhausting!
In the year 2009 these little ones will be entering kindergarten together. I sure hope Chisholm Ridge will be ready!!!
Received 06/12/2005 02:43
Hannah has learned a new trick. She can now manuever herself all around the floor on her belly, but backwards! It seems that her transmission is broken. We had noticed that if she really wants something she stretches will all her might until she can get it. But I had no idea how much ground she can actually cover.
Yesterday while I was cleaning the kitchen I looked up and she had made a complete "J" pattern in her journey. She came to the end of her adventure when she reached the family room wall. She how no idea what to do next. So she just "hollered" for mom.
This afternoon she figured out that the kitchen floor is funner b/c it is a little easier to get goin'. This time her technique was different. She flops over like a clam and then pushes her little hiney out until she moves. Then she sits up and does it all over again. When I picked her up to change her diaper, she had little crumbs all over it from the floor. We now have a remote control sweeper! Awesome!!! I knew having kids would come in handy!