Pregnancy Through the Eyes of a 3rd Grader
It's interesting what kinds of things the kids have to say about the baby and all. Today one of the kids told me that if I get mad then the baby gets upset. I told them that the only choice is to keep me happy of course! They take good care of me: quietly waiting for me to waddle to the end of the seemingly endless hall, bringing me the things I need once I am seated, and even helping me carry things.
Anyway, since Presidents' Day we have been working on essays entitled If I Were President... I do this every year and almost w/o a doubt the kids usually talk about shorter school days, pizza every day in the cafeteria, or no homework.
This year's group definitely put a spin on the topic. As I began helping them edit and revise their drafts, I noticed one common theme: If I were president, I would help the pregnant people!
Almost everyone included something about it! Some of them wanted to make sure that someone else was there to change the baby's diaper so that the mom wouldn't have to. They were very concerned about the pregnant people getting too tired. One even wanted to give me a a month raise.
My favorite one was from a little girl that I call Yazzy for short. And I quote: I would help the pregnant women so that they don't get too tired and have to walk like a penguin! Then I would drive them to Wal-mart!" Hey, I think she has MY vote in "08. Move over Hillary there is a new lady in town!