Posts received : Monday, July 23

[Daddy's Thoughts]Received 07/23/2007 04:32

It's the little things...

It's been raining on and off today so we put Drew's bouncer in the front door so he could look out side. Well, Hannah had to look to, so she drug her Dora Chair right next to Drew's. Who knew watching the rain could be so fun.

[Daddy's Thoughts]Received 07/23/2007 04:02

Websites & Pictures & Linux Oh My!

It's been a busy couple of weeks. With the help of Josh I was able to install Linux on a little network drive I had in my closet. This has opened up many possibilities one of which is hosting my own website. This began more as a proof of concept, have nothing else to do this summer, project. But, it has enabled me to share virtually every digital picture we've ever taken and then some. Feel free to look around. This software called JAlbum created all the html code for the pictures. I really like how it emulates looking through "My Pictures" on windows.

I was also able to get an AMAZING deal on some computers form eBay. In fact, I got two for myself, one for my sister, two for some friends, and now my boss wants one. They are Dell GX260 towers. P4 2.4Ghz, 80GB Hard Drives, 512MB Memory, CDRW Drive, 1000MB integrate network adapter. They are very nice. One turned into my DVR and another became the new desktop2. It is a sad day, as its replacing my very first Dell, I bought in 1998 Bill doesn't know it yet, but he's getting a new computer. (It's way better than his current desktop and runs Google earth.)

Since Josh got me on this Linux thing, I decided to install it on my desktop2 and dual boot it with windows. A few hours later and everything works great! Better still Linux is FREE! They have made it really easy to get applications and one that I got is called VirtualBox It lets me run Windows XP virtually while I run Linux. It works very well and FREE!

[Mommy's Thoughts]Received 07/23/2007 03:15

He's Wearing Mommy!

Is what I heard when I walked into Hannah's room with baby Andrew this morning. He was having a hard time getting back to sleep and didn't want to be put down so out came the sling. I had tried it earlier, but he wasn't very interested. Today he found it quite comfy and spent a good 30 minutes "helping" me around the house before he fell asleep.

Hannah sooo wanted to "wear" him and didn't understand that she just wasn't big enough!

[Mommy's Thoughts]Received 07/23/2007 02:59

July Doings

We have been quite busy this July and it is hard to believe that July is almost half over! So here is a recap of what we've done and where we've been!

Ricky is stilling have problems with his leg. I swear he is walking like an old man! Off to the DR he went on July 3rd for a Venus Doppler. Good news is no clot, bad news is that it has been almost 2 weeks and the Dr hasn't called back to see what to do next. The tech thinks it is probably a pinched nerve. Here's to hoping he gets some help soon.

After the daddy's appointment we once again loaded up the car for another trip to OK. Little Drew has already been 3 times in his short little life! He travels really nice these days. Hannah does pretty good for most of it, but I always tell Ricky that Drew won the best car riding award this time. I know that some day he will be the antsy one and Hannah will be the easy one, but it still gives us a chuckle!

Crossing the Red River on the way up was wild! The water was clearly out of its banks and ran all the way to the granite Welcome to OK sign. I had never seen it so high!

On the way back to Stroud we dropped Hannah off at K's house for a sleepover. I was a little worried as this was her first sleepover experience. Not b/c she would be scared, but more because I thought she would misbehave and squeal the whole time. But Angie said she would have her back again so she must have been good! They went swimming and watched K play t-ball. She came home and hardly said hi to us when she walked in the door! Ricky said, "She didn't even miss us, Mom!". But that's OK. I am glad our little one feels secure enough to go away and be OK.

On the 4th we helped celebrate Cousin's Noah's 3rd birthday. It was a firetruck theme complete with a firetruck pinata and all. Drew being the youngest got the first hit after the birthday boy. He sure swings hard, ok not really but it was a fun pic opportunity! We had hot dogs, cake, and all the fixings.

This year Hannah was much better behaved and didn't squeal at Noah the whole time he opened his presents. Every time I seem a yellow Hummer driving down the road I cringe to this day. The two even seemed to share the toys without much thought! That was a gift for Mommy in itself!

We spent the afternoon shooting off more fireworks and swimming. That evening we went to the Stroud fireworks in good ol' Foster park. It had been years since I had been to one. Ricky and I haven't really been to one since we had Hannah and before that we never really got out much here in Fort Worth b/c of ALL the traffic! Hannah seemed to have a good time. She tried hard to keep up with Myra and Kennedy. Drew and the daddy went by Lola's to visit instead. The mosquitoes were bad. As sweet as Drew is I knew they would take an instant liking to him!

Drew hit a milestone while we were gone. He slept 2 times until 5:30!!! The last couple of times we were home were exhausting on the mommy as he was still getting up between every 2-3 hours. It was so nice to get to sleep in.

We headed back to OK on the 6th as the daddy had a wedding on 7-07-07. I mean who DIDN"T have a wedding on the luckiest day of the year?!?!?!

Cousin Hayden rode the train down for a visit on Tuesday. He has been a big help with Hannah and Drew and Hannah loves to have someone doting on her. We have been swimming, to the mall, and to the Star Wars exhibit at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. Last night we had an evening swim with the Davis Clan.

This week Drew has officially started sleeping through the night! He turned 11 weeks on Wednesday so he is just a week off of when the missy started, but what's a week right? After almost 3 months of not sleeping the Gode family has once again having Sweet Dreams! He even slept until 6:45 one time.

It looks like after Hayden leaves we will be moving him into his big boy bed (well, once we clean it out!!!). We kind of used it as storage of gifts and such up until now. Now Mommy thinks she WILL be able to get up for work come August! Uh, wait don't even want to think about that!!!

I am still trying to convince the daddy to sneak off for a few days while we are still out. Somewhere not too far, but not sure where. Just a little getaway with the family. Now that Drew is sleeping through the night, my desire to travel further than my front yard has returned! Any ideas?!?!?!